is dedicated to lower power computing for various home purposes. In 2011 this website ran on a small arm linux computer that together with some usb pen drives consumed a maximum of seven Watt. The platform was a pogoplug V2.
Currently this website is running on a Synology DS212j NAS. Idle consumption is about 5.5W and peak power is about 6.5W, as the sotrage is a SSD disk. Besides the webserver a mail server, file server and various energy consumption/production devices are monitered and logged.
Still, this website could run equally well on a Raspberry Pi, which consumes 2.2W when using an original apple iPad power adapter.
Currently I am using wordpress for this website, which is actually way to heavy for this low power computing platform. Mostly due to mySQLperformance. When using a light-weight content managment system, SkyBlueCanvas, and lighttpd as webserver page load times stayed under one second. Soon I will dig into caching of wordpress pages.